Welcome to the veg files.

As a longtime vegetarian I started this blog as a place to share tips, recipes and general knowhow on maintaining a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. When I first became a vegetarian I was pretty lost and confused about just how to make sure I and my family got the right amount of nutrition, so I hope that this blog will help anyone out there who is feeling the same way. Of course, I hope this blog is useful to the old hands out there too!

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I know I will enjoy writing it.

For money saving tips, articles and even more recipes check out my posts on Hubpages. For online money making opportunities go here. To check out my photography go here.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

How to prepare and cook butternut squash.

Butternut squash is one of those things that you can take one look at in the shop and just put back on the shelf because you just don't know what to do with it. Which is a real shame because butternut squash tastes wonderful and is incredibly versatile. Whichever way you intended to cook your squash you should first remove the seeds. Don't throw them away as they make a great snack when toasted in the oven. The seeds are high in calcium and zinc, two things that can be lacking in a vegetarian diet.

Your butternut squash can be cut into chunks, tossed in olive oil and roasted in the oven in much the same way as sweet potatoes, no need to peel the squash as the skin tastes good too. Peel and cut into chunks and add the squash to curries, stews or casseroles. Prepare the same way and boil in lightly salted water to use the squash as a vegetable accompaniment for a meal. Or add some stock and a little cream, blend together for a great tasting soup.

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